ODI Public Debate: Can green growth solve climate change?

March 20, 2019

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


Overseas Development Institute 203 Blackfriars Road


Without urgent action, the global consequences of climate change will be devastating. Yet despite the environmental impact of rapid economic growth, increasing GDP (Gross Domestic Product) continues to remain the priority for countries around the world.

So what is the future of economic growth? Can we achieve green growth that marries rapid environmental transformation with ever-rising financial returns? Or is it time to create economies that enable us to thrive, rather than grow, in order to stand a real chance at tackling climate change?

Speakers: Michael Liebreich @MLiebreich – Chairman and CEO, Liebreich Associates, Founder, Bloomberg NEF and Visiting Professor, Energy Futures Lab, Imperial College London Kate Raworth @KateRaworth – Author, Doughnut Economics and Senior Visiting Research Associate, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford Chair: James Cameron @jamesogradycam – Chair, ODI Board