Exclusive: Students issue an open letter ahead of global day of action on 15 March, when young people are expected to strike across 50 nations […]
Youth climate strikers: ‘We are going to change the fate of humanity’

Exclusive: Students issue an open letter ahead of global day of action on 15 March, when young people are expected to strike across 50 nations […]
As we head into another cycle of climate change politics beware the economic doomsayers. […]
It is easy to feel deflated after another UN Climate Summit failed to deliver the ambitious pledges that are required, but read between the lines and the signals for business leaders are hugely encouraging […]
Until recently the battle to avert catastrophic climate change – floods, droughts, famine, mass migrations – seemed to be lost. But with the tipping point just years away, the tide is finally turning, thanks to innovations ranging from cheap renewables to lab-grown meat and electric airplanes […]
The international community must show Trump, and any other leaders that may follow suit, that other core diplomatic goals – such as Nato funding – will depend on honouring their climate commitments […]
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