Climate peace in our time?

On October 17, Australia’s federal government announced the bones of a new energy policy – the National Energy Guarantee – which seeks to (i) ensure reliability in the National Electricity Market and (ii) provide a credible approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. […]

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The EV bandwagon is accelerating, but is it unstoppable?

So there you have it: first Norway and the Netherlands, then France and now the U.K. have all stated their intent to phase out conventional petrol and diesel cars once and for all. For those who have been following the progress of electric vehicles, these developments have been a long time coming. […]

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Solar and wind tipping points: One down and one to go

In the last 10 days, I have been travelling around North America presenting to senior executives from energy companies, policy-makers and investors a long-term forecast for the world’s electricity system that would have been seen as wildly fanciful just a decade ago. And that’s putting it politely. […]

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